Festimai | Les amoureux de Molière

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+33 5 59 45 19 19

+33 5 59 56 61 61


And there you have it, to be expected, distrusted even, perhaps. After Marivaux, Shakespeare and the great monologues of the classical repertoire in “Les Grands Rôles”, Les Mauvais Élèves take on Molière. Joyfully led by the duo Shirley and Dino, they present a gallery of colorful, wacky characters who serve up a dozen or so of Molière?s must-see, hilarious scenes. Among them are Harpagon, stingier than ever, a zealous and loquacious Dom Juan, a passionate and convinced lover, and a valet in bad faith.
What wonderful encounters, punctuated by musical madness, echoing the characters’ situations!
“Les Amoureux de Molière” is a sparkling pop show, always full of freedom and tenderness, songs and off-road excursions.”

Ages 6 and up. Running time: 1h10. Performances at 8:45pm.
Tickets available early September.

Base rates : (min/max)

Basic price
Prix maxi : 10.5€
Discounted rate
Prix maxi : 6.5€
Free of charge
Prix maxi : 0€




  • Disabled facilities

Opening dates


23 mai


Salle polyvalente Centre village 40390 BIARROTTE

GPS > 43.5611909, -1.2720753

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