FestiMai | Shower Power


Imagine all the things that can happen in a bathroom, when there are six of us singing in the shower!

Shower Power is a breathtaking musical show, performed entirely a capella, in which the vocal finesse of our six characters is brought into play in burlesque situations.

In the throes of contagious madness, they gargle polyphonic nuggets from the four corners of the globe, set off by original arrangements. Untangling the Abyssinians? locks, brushing Freddy Mercury?s teeth, removing Michael Jackson?s make-up, giving the Beatles a blow-dry – these are their missions, with polyphony and beat-box as their lethal weapons!

Performances at 8:45pm. Ages 8 and up. Running time: 1h20.
Tickets at the Point Com box office or online.

Base rates : (min/max)

Basic price
Prix maxi : 10.5€
Discounted rate
Prix maxi : 6.5€
Free of charge
Prix maxi : 0€




  • Disabled facilities

Opening dates


17 mai


Salle Maurice Thorez Place Albert Castets 40220 TARNOS

GPS > 43.5389260, -1.4877151

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