Asinerie de Pierretoun
Located 7 km from the centre of the village of La Bastide Clairence, in the Pessarou district, Frédéric offers family walks and hikes with a donkey carrier, by reservation. Itineraries adapted to each one according to the group and the physical capacities. Before each departure, getting to know the animal, small educational workshop, preparation and explanations. Topographical map provided. Small restaurant with local products, at lunchtime in July and August.
Base rates : (min/max)
Basic price
Prix mini : 15€
Prix maxi : 15€
Basic price
Prix mini : 45€
Prix maxi : 45€
Means of payment
Payment cards | Cheques and postal orders | Chèques Vacances | Cash | Vacaf
Picnic area | Refreshment areaHiking with a donkey
- Groups accepted
- Pets ok (subject to trade-in)
Opening dates
1 janv. / 31 déc.
Asinerie de Pierretoun Quartier Pessarou 64240 LA BASTIDE-CLAIRENCE
GPS > 43.4128147, -1.1963007